If you have trouble ordering online we can shop on your behalf. The trouble can be due to multiple reasons like either your credit card is not accepted by payment gateway or the specific payment page is having some trouble. In this case, you can pay us from your indianmailbox.com deposit or by credit card / paypal online and we will purchase what you need. We are able to purchase many hard to find products from various online and even actual stores.
Give us a description, links of the URL's of the item from the merchant online store, quantity of item desired, product number, and total price including shipping to our warehouse. You can do this by placing your selected items into a shopping cart on your favorite website, go to checkout, enter our shipping address and this will give you the total cost. You will enter all the information in your account (click on “ Buy for me”).
Give us a description, links of the URL's of the item from the merchant online store, quantity of item desired, product number, and total price including shipping to our warehouse. You can do this by placing your selected items into a shopping cart on your favorite website, go to checkout, enter our shipping address and this will give you the total cost. You will enter all the information in your account (click on “ Buy for me”).
We will check availability and purchase products:
We will check if the products are available and we will email you total price including our fees. If you have enough money in your deposit we will make the purchase immediately. Otherwise we will notify you as to how much you still owe.
When, and if, any item in your order is not available, we will purchase what is available. 50% of your order must be available otherwise the order will be canceled. If less then 50% of your items are not available we will notify you via email.

Once received we just ship
them to you:
Once we receive your products in our warehouse we will double check what items were received and enter them as packages on your account. For example, if you buy some shirts or shoes we will check if correct size was sent by the store.
- The cost of our " Buy for Me " purchase service is flat 10 % of the total cost of your items for our subscription plan ( My Mailbox plan ) and 15 % of the total cost of the item for our Only-1 Plan. For Example: If you have our subscription plan and you want us to purchase something from Amazon India that costs Rs.1000. so all you have to pay us is Rs.1000 + 10 % of Rs.1000 = Rs.1100 only. Please note that this amount does not include the shipping cost from our warehouse to your destination. Once we receive the items for you they are uploaded within your account area and from there you can proceed to ship them to your desired destination.The price applies to 10 unique items of the purchase. For example if you plan to purchase 15 unique items the price will be two times.
- Shipping cost depends on the shipping program you have activated. You either pay for each Only 1 Package or we can consolidated packages in a My Mailbox plan. When you utilize the "Buy for me" purchase option, be aware that some sellers might send your items in multiple packages. We have no control whether they pack it into one box or multiple boxes. It is recommended to sign up for a My Mailbox Plan where you can consolidate packages and save on shipping.
- We only buy BUY IT NOW items on eBay (immediate purchase without bidding).
- We charge 3% fee to cover fees on Paypal & credit card payments other then " Buy for me" fee applicable as per your selected plan.
- No fees if order is cancelled by merchant (for example if product is not available).
- In case you would like to return any item in "BUY FOR ME" which has already been delivered to us, the process would be subjected to terms & conditions imposed by the merchant. We charge an amount of Rs.200 per return and as soon as we receive the amount back from merchant, it would be credited back to you.
- No risk for you. If we don’t receive products from merchant you will get a refund.